Sandra Hartley Podcast Live

Sandra HartleyThis is the first episode of series 2 in Talking Teenage Life.

From relocating from the country of her birth, to setting up her own Dance School business, Sandra Hartley has a fascinating story to tell. I have known Sandra since I was three, when she started teaching me ballet. It was amazing to get an idea of how she became the inspirational women she is today. Sandra talks about her time working in a circus and her passion of dance. She also explains the joy she gets from teaching 3 year olds to skip, through to helping her more advanced students pursue a career in dance. We think this is an insightful podcast to begin our new series.

You can listen to this podcast in the link below or on your usual podcast provider where you can subscribe to Talking Teenage Life and get notified when a new podcast gets released.

Sue Piddock-Jones Podcast Live!

In this podcast we talk to Sue Piddock-Jones about her life in teaching and dance. Sue talks about going back to University after she’d started work. Her philosophy is that you should follow your dreams and she talks about why she has been inspired to do a significant amount of volunteer work. We also discuss how a trip to a third world country has made her appreciate all that we have in the UK and the lessons we could learn from that experience.

You can listen to our podcast by logging into iTunes or Spotify and searching for “Talking Teenage Life”  or you can click on the link here: